A face cleansing set ideal for performing the double cleansing that ensures you complete removal of dirt, sebum, dust, and any harmful element that clogs pores and leads to acne breakouts.
Apply a small amount of the oil on dry skin (not wet) and massage gently for about a minute, so that all fat-soluble substances dissolve in the skin and pores. Then wet the fingers with water and continue massaging to emulsify the product. Rinse off with plenty of lukewarm (not hot or cold) water and follow up with the gentle pink clay soap. You will feel the face noticeably rejuvenated! This daily routine will protect you from black spots and clogged pores.
The products contained in the facial cleansing kit
- Face cleansing oil with grapefruit & rosemary 100ml
- Handmade face soap with pink clay
- Gift box 19cm X 19cm X 6.5cm.
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